Coffee mornings are held at the Social Club in the village hall. They are held every 2 weeks from 10.30am to 12pm.
Everyoneis welcome!
£1.00 Raffle for Charity
Dates for 2025
10th & 24th January
7th &. 21st February
7th & 21st March
4th & 18th April
2nd, 16th & 30th May
13th & 27th June
11th & 25th July
8th & 22nd August
5th & 19th September
3rd, 17th & 31st October
14th & 28th November
12th December
The Canwick Coffee Club was started and organised by Jean Straw in October 2005 the idea was to give village residents and their friends a chance to meet each other during the daytime, because the village had no other activities available during the day. This event occurs every other week and is now run by a selection of current members on a rota basis. Since the start Jean has sent over £6000 to various charities all because the members pay a £1 entry fee which allows them to have a strip of raffle tickets where some of the prizes and food are given free by the members. There is also a free Christmas lunch for members paid for from the proceeds of the raffles. The North Kesteven District council organises a Community Champions Award scheme, in October 2016 the Parish Council entered Jeans' name in the Community Spirit section, there were 32 submissions and Jean was one of the five finalists, although not winning the award she was given an award certifcate.